M A T A N E E D O L S C H O O L T e l : 0 - 8 7 7 7 - 0 8 7 7 7 |
Field trip to Khonkaen Hospital.
Today our students from Grades 4 and 5 visited the childrens ward at Khonkaen Hospital accompanied by Principal Fon,Teacher Aimmie, Teacher Pompam and Teacher John. Its always a sad experience to see young children who are very ill. The students chatted with the sick children and gave them some love and support at a time when they are feeling sad and frightened. As part of the schools active learning programme we feel it is important that students understand the meaning of empathy and learn how use it in their daily life.Our students took gifts of colouring books and pencils
for the children as well as their love and a cuddle.