by Mr. Loch Chapple (Phonics Professional Trainer)

เเม้วันหยุด เราทุ่มเทเพื่อนักเรียนทุกระดับชั้นคุณครูต่างชาติครบทุกท่าน เเห่งโรงเรียนเมทนีดลได้เรียนรู้ สร้างความมืออาชีพตามหลักสูตรการสอนต่างภาษาศาสตร์ที่สำคัญมากกับนักเรียนเมทนีดลที่จะช่วย



ถึงระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6
เปิดรับทุกวันผ่านระบบออนไลน์ สามารถติดต่อเจ้าหน้าที่ธุรการฝ่ายการเงิน หรือโทร 0877708777
Saturday 7th November, 2020. Jolly Phonics for Effective Professional Teacher Development.
Personal development is essential for teachers to grow and keep up to date with the latest teaching techniques to improve one’s own teaching skills. This is very important for our teachers who are constantly monitoring their own performance in the classroom. A good knowledge of how to teach phonics and Linguistics is key to the success of our students English speaking skills and is why so many of them can speak English from an Early age. Jolly Phonics begins in Pre-Kindergarten and moves on to Jolly grammar in elementary school using this proven system from the United Kingdom.
Our English teachers attend workshops regularly to develop teaching skills and ensure they are up to date on the latest teaching techniques. This knowledge is passed on to your students ensuring that they can read, write, and speak English by the time they reach Kindergarten 3, thus ensuring your students are always receiving the best education possible from Mataneedol School.
Phonics UK
Promote and develop academic potential in English in the right way.
English course format
Native English speakers
Tuition by Mr Loch Chapple (Jolly Phonics/grammar Professional Trainer)
Intensive training courses in phonics and linguistics.

We are dedicated to the education of your students at all levels.
All English teachers at Mataneedol School are professionally trained in language teaching which is so important for your students’ academic development.
The process of reading by decoding teaches the students to think for themselves and spell new words by themselves quickly. Understanding the relationship between the word and the sound of the letter, helps encourage them to establish the fundamentals for good pronunciation.
Choose a successful future for your children, grandchildren.
Always choose Mataneedol School.
For your child’s education.
language learning in English, Thai, Chinese and Japanese. Students learn in Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, primary and secondary levels.
We are now accepting new students at all levels for the coming semester.